the maestro's view of the world

rambling commentary about living in a college town, enjoying culinary delights, surviving in a red state, and traveling to wonderful places

Friday, March 02, 2007

back in Dubai

we are now back in Dubai, and we are hanging out with the Dean of Students from Zayed University. She had been the VP at Louisville for 10 years until she retired, and she has some great stories for us. We are going to the Gold Souk and to a mosque this weekend.

Today we visited the town of Al Ain and went through its souk (market). they had a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits, dates, anchovies, pollen for palm trees, and the usual fish and meat. I saw camel heads with their tongues hanging out, these are for consumption. We also went to the camel market today, where a camel costs about 15000 dirhams ($4000 or so). The Dean of Students from the University of United Arab Emirates escorted us today, she used to work at Montanta State University and she has great stories.

Both Zayed and UAE Universities are public, which means that they are totally free for students--tuition, housing,etc. UAE University provides bus transportation to all of the Emirates for all of its female students to go home every weekend (mandatory). The entire campuses are segregated by gender and there is barbed wire between the girls dorms and other buildings.

I've got some great photos as you can probably imagine! More to come later. The internet access is costing me a fortune in this hotel so I am way behind in emails.


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