the maestro's view of the world

rambling commentary about living in a college town, enjoying culinary delights, surviving in a red state, and traveling to wonderful places

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

growth in Dubai

I am totally blown away by the constant construction and obvious incredible growth in Dubai. There are just miles and miles of construction. They are building the tallest building in the world. One-fourth of all of the construction cranes in the world are right here in Dubai. The traffic is beyond terrible and it is clear that there are serious infrastructure needs.

This is from the Wikipedia article about Dubai.

The BBC World News reports that "Dubai's economy grew by almost 17%, four times faster than that of the United States and twice as fast as China's."

How about these hotel rooms from thisarticle: "At the present time, the centre of the construction boom is undoubtedly Dubai. In the hotel sector alone there are plans to build 150 more hotels over the next five to seven years, expanding the number of hotel rooms from 20,000 in 1990 to 55,000."

Here are a few of the absurd projects being built or planned: Great Structures of the Emirates.


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