the maestro's view of the world

rambling commentary about living in a college town, enjoying culinary delights, surviving in a red state, and traveling to wonderful places

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

cuter than jeb!

this is a much more interesting story than the non-hurricane. On Monday mid-day Mark and Susie and I went walking around to see if anything was open. The answer is not really, other than the governor´s palace which has some really neat art work so we wandered on in there.

Well, walking down the stairs was the governor himself, Patricio Patrón Laviada, and Mark starts pointing to him to let me know that´s him. So we chat for a second and that´s it. Well, we walk out and Mark goes up to the governor and tells him that I am running for office myself and he wishes me luck and poses for a photo!

Then a reporter from the local paper, Diario de Yucatan stops us and asks about who I am and...I´m in today´s paper! You can read it online. Note, of course, my name is misspelled but this is at least a little more interesting.


  • At 1:50 PM, Blogger MJ said…

    I found the article (a great feat considering I don't speak/read/understand Spanish...I just looked for some version of Mastrodicasa), printed it, and taped it to the wall of shame/fame in the office for all to see.

  • At 4:09 PM, Blogger maestro said…

    I`m bringing home the hard copy for the wall of shame, don´t you worry!


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