the maestro's view of the world

rambling commentary about living in a college town, enjoying culinary delights, surviving in a red state, and traveling to wonderful places

Sunday, July 17, 2005

emily is visiting soon

so this afternoon and evening we are supposed to see the beginnings of hurricane Emily. The weather report has not changed much over the past few days. Saturday night you would not have been able to tell that a hurricane is coming, as there were lots of people downtown dancing in the blocked off streets. I saw three different bands playing and some performers on stilts doing a dance thing and I also saw a trova duo playing at the Restaurante Amaro.

Well, this might be my last post for a few days, I might be without power and internet access.


  • At 6:07 AM, Blogger MJ said…

    Glad to hear you and the kiddies survived. Get some good shopping in for me!


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