the maestro's view of the world

rambling commentary about living in a college town, enjoying culinary delights, surviving in a red state, and traveling to wonderful places

Sunday, July 10, 2005

buenas tardes from Merida

I have arrived safe and sound, it's always refreshing to see Mark Brenner at the airport to pick me up as he is about a foot taller than the entire crowd. I managed to drive to Orlando between hurricane bands and have no flight delays.

So far things seem to be very similar in Merida this year, although I am pleased to report that I have air conditioning in my hotel room AND...DRUM ROLL PLEASE...they now have cable. 58 channels! I watched an episode of CSI last night dubbed in Spanish and could follow it, and watched some CNN en espanol.

I ran into art professor Maria Rogal already and today the Lombardi scholars came to meet me. We walked around the Merida en domingo today and enjoyed the Sunday festivities.

Alas I believe it's time for a siesta and perhaps a dip in the Hotel Caribe pool.

I ate some sopa de lima last night, it was quite wonderful. More links to Yucatecan food soon.


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